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Titanium Backup Changelog
Titanium Backup has been updated to v5.4.0.2
Titanium Backup has been updated to v5.4.0.2
This is mostly a bugfix release. Have a look at the changes in 5.4.0 too!
Fixed the Play Store visibility problem for good!
Fixed FC while backing up the bookmarks in XML format on some platforms.
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0.2
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0.1
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.3
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.2
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.1.4
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.1