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Titanium Backup Changelog
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Titanium Backup Changelog
Titanium Backup has been updated to v4.1.0.1
Titanium Backup has been updated to v4.1.0.1
Fixed FC when performing various actions on devices that don’t have Android Market.
Fixed FC with German translation when viewing backups for an app.
Updated translations.
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0.2
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0.1
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.3
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.2
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.1.4
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.1