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Titanium Backup Changelog
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Titanium Backup Changelog
Titanium Backup has been updated to v4.9.0.2
Titanium Backup has been updated to v4.9.0.2
Improved filtering by app type: now several app types (eg: user + system apps) can be chosen in a single filter.
Added full support for the /emmc storage location (AOSP / Samsung Galaxy S2).
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0.2
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0.1
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.3
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.2
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.1.4
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.1