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Titanium Backup
Titanium Media Sync
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Titanium Backup Changelog
Titanium Media Sync Changelog
Titanium Media Sync Changelog
Titanium Media Sync has been updated to v2.0.1
Titanium Media Sync has been updated to v2.0.1
Added an option to select the TCP port for FTP, SFTP and FTPS servers.
Fixed FC error which could happen after booting.
Fixed issues when manually deleting a remote FTP directory from the GUI.
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0.2
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0.1
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.4.0
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.3
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.2
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.1.4
Titanium Backup has been updated to v8.3.1